Unlevered vs Levered Free Cash Flow: Exploring Differences

Unlevered vs Levered Free Cash Flow: Exploring Differences

What is Unlevered Free Cash Flow?

Unlevered free cash flow (UFCF) is a measure of a company’s overall cash flow available for its different phases of activities. It is a measure of cash flow which is free of debt and equity financing, and is also referred to as a measure of cash flow available to owners and stockholders. This measure of cash flow takes into consideration all operating cash flows, investments and financing activities which are not taken into consideration in other forms of cash flow analysis such as the net income method. It is particularly useful for owners and stockholders in estimating the returns they can expect from the company.

What is Levered Free Cash Flow?

Levered free cash flows (LFCF) are similar to unlevered free cash flows but include the costs of servicing the debt, such as interest payments for loans. Unlike the UFCF, the LFCF takes into account the actual costs of borrowing money for a given period of time. In addition, the total cost of servicing the debt with principal and interest payments are included in the calculation. Therefore, the levered free cash flow is a good measure for owners and stockholders to use to estimate their expected returns.

Difference between Unlevered and Levered Free Cash Flow

The difference between levered and unlevered free cash flow is expenses. Levered cash flow is the amount of cash a business has after it has met its interest and other debt obligations, while unlevered free cash flow does not take any financing activities into account. Therefore, levered free cash flow is much lower than the unlevered free cash flow of a company. In addition, levered free cash flow can be used to measure the financial state of the company and the degree of leverage it holds. It is important to note that the levered free cash flow does not take into account the tax obligations of a company. Although taxes are accounted for when calculating levered free cash flow, they are taken into consideration only after the premise of the debt has been met.

Unlevered free cash flow is a more accurate measure of a company’s true financial health. While the levered free cash flow reflects the total debt obligations, the unlevered free cash flow takes into consideration the actual cash generated from the firm’s activities. This measure is often used to compare different firms of the same nature to determine which ones are performing better. Although levered free cash flow might appear to be the most advantageous one, it is important to remember that it fails to take into account the overall financial health of the company in comparison to its competitors.

Therefore, both unlevered and levered free cash flows are important measures of a company’s financial health. While the levered free cash flow gives an indication of the company’s debt obligations and the costs associated with the debt, the unlevered free cash flow helps to identify the actual profitability and financial condition of the company. Both measures should be taken into consideration when assessing the financial performance of a company.

Overview of Unlevered Free Cash Flow and Leveraged Cash Flow

Unlevered free cash flow (UFCF) and levered cash flow are two important measures of financial success for companies. Revenue that a company generates from operations is used to calculate levered cash flow, while revenue from asset sales is used to calculate unlevered free cash flow. Knowing the differences between the two and how to calculate them can allow investors and financiers to make better decisions when it comes to investing.

What is Unlevered Free Cash Flow?

Unlevered free cash flow (UFCF) is the amount of cash flow that a company has available for use after the payment of operating expenses and financing costs. It is a metric that is used to measure the performance of a company without taking into account the effect of borrowing or debt that a company has taken on. Unlevered free cash flow is also known as free cash flow to equity and cash flow after tax.

How to Calculate Unlevered Free Cash Flow

Unlevered free cash flow is calculated by subtracting a company’s operating expense from its total revenue. The operating expense includes items such as wages, taxes, and interest payments. To calculate the unlevered free cash flow, take the company’s total revenue subtract its total operating expense, subtract any non-operating expenses, and finally subtract taxes.

Unlevered Free Cash Flow Example

Let’s apply the calculation to an example. Suppose a company has a total revenue of $1,000 and total operating expense of $500. Non-operating expenses for the company are $100 and taxes are $200. The unlevered free cash flow for the company would be $200. This is calculated by subtracting the operating expense of $500 from the total revenue of $1,000, subtracting the non-operating expense of $100 and subtracting taxes of $200.

What Is Levered Cash Flow?

Levered cash flow is the cash flow generated from operations after accounting for any debt the company has taken on. Unlike unlevered free cash flow, which does not take into account a company’s borrowing, levered cash flow does consider the debt that a company has taken on and must account for in its calculation.

How to Calculate Levered Cash Flow

Levered cash flow is calculated by subtracting the total debt payments from the total cash flow generated from operations. To calculate the levered cash flow, take the company’s total cash flow from operations, subtract any interest and principal payments for debt, and subtract any taxes.

Levered Cash Flow Example

Let’s apply the calculation to an example. Suppose a company has a total cash flow from operations of $1,000 and interest and principal payments for debt of $500. Taxes are $200. The levered cash flow for the company would be $300. This is calculated by subtracting the total debt payments of $500 from the total cash flow from operations of $1,000, and subtracting taxes of $200.

Comparison of Unlevered and Levered Free Cash Flow

Unlevered free cash flow and levered cash flow are different in that levered free cash flow includes debt payments that are made by a company, while unlevered free cash flow does not. Both measures are important for investors and financiers to consider when analyzing a company’s financial performance. The levered cash flow helps investors and financiers consider the effect of debt on a company’s operations, while the unlevered free cash flow helps investors and financiers consider the performance of a company without debt.